At the end of the Qing dynasty, the Kowloon Walled City became a place that was free of government control.. Lots of drug dealers came to Kowloon Walled City from all over the world. During the British colonial period, The British government also let illegal deals happen there, such as illegal dentists or abortions. And many girls were trafficked to this place as sex workers.
Starting from the 1950’s, people would go to the Kowloon Walled City to watch porn and striptease. And it became very popular during 1960’s. There would be a car taking people from Temple Street to watch a western porn or black&white local porn. Or they would even drive a car to Castle Peak Road and Hung Hom to take people to watch porn. Someone would walk around and asked people to watch striptease every night.
Kowloon Walled City was also the most famous place for people to find sex workers to have sex or to watch porn at that time. There was a little house with a black cloth that played porn every night. People just needed to pay $1 for that. People called that “一元試片”. However, they would just play 3min clips. In the beginning, they would just play some porn from Vietnam. Until 1970’s, people finally could watch western and local porn in Kowloon Walled City.
Porn was just for the warm-up though. In that house, there were little stairs for people to watch striptease. Every girl would come up to the stage and dance for a few minutes. The boss would introduce who would dance a snake dance, or who dance a lesbian dance at the beginning. However, most of the strippers were old or obese. Afterward, someone organized strippers events with performers from the west and Southeast Asia, and people loved it much more.
In Kowloon Walled City, there were not just sex deals but also drug deals and many illegal businesses. Most of the people were very scared of this place. And most of the sex workers in Kowloon Walled City were old and not good looking. For this reason, there appeared more upscale places for people to watch porn in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Island, and North Point. They would move the screening place every 3 days for the safety and it also provided a mobile sex service to people.